Health Tech Hack

Welcome to Health Tech Hack! This will serve as a one stop shop for developer resources for the hackathon.

We understand you will be focusing on many concepts in the hackathon. Such as...

  • Idea generation
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • ... and more

Therefore, to ease some of these challenges, we created starter apps for Android, iOS, and NodeJS. The goal of the starter apps is to solve the problem of data flow bewteen sensors/devices and mobile phones.

Having solved this problem for you all, we hope that you will focus on larger issues and more complex scenarios. However, you are more than welcome to build something from scratch!

Starter Apps

Source Code:

The starter applications (iOS, Android, and NodeJS) will help you get up and running in no time. The mobile applications will fetch data from sensors/devices and store it locally. The iOS app will sync the data with the server.

To get started, check out the source above and see our starter app getting started tutorials here:

Checkout Devices/Sensors

We have many devices available to you during the hackathon. Check out the Devices and Sensors Overview page.

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