Starter iOS App

Check out the starter ios app source code here:


The starter app has the ability to pull data from HealthKit, store it locally, and sync with the server. As an added bonus, the iOS application can also read in data from CSV files (in a specific format) and store it locally.


The database we are using for local storage is Realm: You should check it out even if you are not using the starter apps.

Data Model

The data model only consists of two model classes: HealthData and HealthDataModel. Although this seems generic and simplistic, it allows us to store data from almost all data types.


class HealthData: Object {
    dynamic var id: String = NSUUID().UUIDString
    dynamic var source: String?
    dynamic var origin: String?
    dynamic var date: NSDate?
    dynamic var type: String?

    let dataObjects = LinkingObjects(fromType: HealthDataValue.self, property: "healthObject")

HealthData stores generic health information (e.g. date, type, source, etc). This object does not store the actual data values; this is done in HealthDataValue. HealthData is loosely linked with HealthDataValue through LinkingObjects.


class HealthDataValue: Object { 
    dynamic var healthObject: HealthData?
    dynamic var label: String?
    dynamic var value: String?

HealthDataValue stores specific health values and labels for those values. It's linked to a HealthData object.


class DataDownloadRecord: Object {
    dynamic var url: String?
    dynamic var date: NSDate?

DataDownloadRecord is used to keep track of CSV files have been downloaded. This is to make sure we do not download the CSV file twice on app launch.


Check out HealthKitSync.swift and HealthKitManager.swift to see how we are working with HealthKit.

If you would like to add support for handling new data types from HealthKit, do a project wide search for this text //TODO-ADD-NEW-DATA-TYPE. These are all the places where you would need to add new strings, constants, logic, and etc for your new data type.

Server Syncing

The starter iOS apps syncs with NodeJS/CloudantDB. See the Starter NodeJS page for more information on getting that setup.

Check out ServerSync.swift to see more details. We are using the cloudant-objective to facilitate pulling down and store objects in the CloudantDB (on our NodeJS server).


Create a new set of credentials in your Cloudant DB Admin page or use the one that was created during the Starter NodeJS setup. Fill out these credentials in ServerSync.swift.

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